Monday, May 25, 2020

Unhealthy Food Choices, Lack Of Parental Guidance, And A...

In 2012, one third of adolescents were either overweight or obese and 18% of 6-11 year olds were obese; that is a staggering statistic (CDC). This can cause life long problems for these children. In this essay, I will show you that unhealthy food choices, lack of parental guidance, and a sedentary lifestyle are some of the leading causes of obesity in our children. For instance, these days with most parents having to work outside the home, there is not much time spent cooking healthy meals. Most children come home to an empty house and many do not know how to cook, so unless there is something prepared for them ahead of time, they head straight for the junk food. Plus, with all the inexpensive convenience foods that are on the shelves these days it makes it too easy for one to whip up a â€Å"family meal† or snack in just minutes in the microwave. The problem with these convenience foods is that they are usually high in fat, sugar, and calories (Sorte, Daeschel, Amador 5). Not only are convenience foods bad for you, but also too are the so-called â€Å"fast foods.† If you go to any local fast food restaurant and order one cheeseburger meal with fries and a soda, you have literally eaten your whole days calories in one meal and two days worth of fat. For instance a Whopper Value Meal contains: 1430 calories, 65 grams of fat, 1930 mg. sodium, 85 mg. cholesterol, 89 grams sugar, 0 vitamins, 0 calcium and 0 iron. (Calories in Burger King Whopper Value Meal (With Cheese, Medium Fries,Show MoreRelatedChild Obesity Paper2748 Words   |  11 PagesChildhood obesity has lasting psychological effects, due to parental knowledge, lack of physical activities, and food advertisement; which has made obesity become a major health issue in many young childrens lives today. First, what is child obesity? The term child obesity means, â€Å"A child is between birth and puberty and is extremely overweight and has a body mass index BMI at or the 95th percentile.† (Hassink, 2006) This disease is caused by lack of exercise and over-eating by a child. Child obesityRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Parenting Problem2338 Words   |  10 PagesAmerican University â€Æ' Abstract Childhood obesity is a parenting problem in the fact that children do not prepare food and feed themselves. Children eat what is presented to them, by the adults that are supposed to be caring for them in the best possible ways. Children also look to parents for guidance in how to behave and act. If the adults are leading a sedentary or inactive lifestyle, the kids will follow suit. It is up to the parents to become educated in the PROPER ways to feed the children. SlowRead MoreChildhood Obesity : An Epidemic Essay1954 Words   |  8 Pagesillnesses. 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